Teacher Recommended Resources
Below are some of the recommended resources and curriculum from local teachers. It will be a growing list, so check back for additions.
If you would like to add a great resource to the list, please contact melodie.wilson@malesd.org.
Computer Science Resources & Curriculum
Google Computer Science-Curriculum-Free
A computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. Students learn through video-based lessons, with different themes like sports, art, and game design. The teacher does not need to know how to code.
Interdisciplinary Bee-Bot Resources & Curruculum-Free
This is a great resource for Bee or Blue-Bots. There is wealth of resources and a curriculum with levels and units with lessons. Blue Bots are reservable in the Frontier STEM Lending Library and is often available for long term check out. It is designed for PreK-2 and 3-5.
Bee-Bot Curriculum PreK-5 (Can be adjusted for higher grade levels)